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OCR: Product Quality TIME/CNN poll of 100 adult Americans taken Oct. 31. 1989. Sampling error13% Other U.S. country U.S. Better 52% Does the U.S. or some other Major 88% 4% Worse 15% country make appliances better quality Clothing 82% 11% Same 30% products in these areas? Telephones 77% 9% Over the past 5 years, has the Small quality of American products Appliances 71% 18% become better, worse, or stayed the same? Automobiles 44% 52% Personal computers 37% 31% Rate the quality of products from: Very Good Good Poor What characteristics are essential to product quality? U.S. 38% 56% 6% 0% Works as it should? 98% Japan 42% 43% 6% 2% Is durable and long-lasting? 95% Germany W 28% 36% 4% 0% Is attractive? 58% Canada 12% 37% 3% 0% Has the latest technology? 57% Taiwan 3% 32% 38% 9% Is a well- known brand? 50% Mexico 1% 18% 37% 0% Has many options; features? 48%